Projekt: Natural Curriculum (2022-2024)
Strategic Partnership within Erasmus+ KA 2
Project period
DE- HochDrei e.V.
GE- Youth Association DRONI
R0- “Fundatia noi Orizonturi Lupeni
NO- Bakketun Folkehøgskole
The project explores the possibilities as well as current practices and methods of OAE (Outdoor Adventure Education) and makes visible how OAE can be integrated into education and youth work as an efficient, motivating and holistic method. It includes:
- Learning and training activities
- Multiplier events
- Transnational project meetings
- Practical project results (E-library of Outdoor Adventure Education Resources + E-learning modules)
- Quality development in youth work and youth education
- Qualification of partner organizations and networks to integrate OAE methods into local youth work.
- Improving the professional skills of specialists in the partner organizations (and beyond)
- Sustainable project impact through practical project results that can be used in the long term
- Promote exchange and cooperation between actors in formal and non-formal youth education
- Development of effective educational offerings using outdoor adventure methods for young people
Infopack (PDF)